We are the Love family, and we are serving long-term as medical missionaries in Ethiopia.
The story began when we met on an internship in Ethiopia in 2003, and after numerous trips back to Ethiopia and many years of medical school, residency, public health training, and work experience, we are thrilled to be back in the place where our story began all those years ago.
Tim is a board-certified general surgeon and works with the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons at Soddo Christian Hospital. Laura is a social worker and currently focuses her energy on caring for their family. We have three children: Sam (11), Pip (9), and Ruthie (3).
Read on to learn more, or check out ways to join us.
Nestled in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is a vibrant and beautiful country that has suffered greatly from issues of poverty, famine, underdevelopment, and an overwhelming burden of illness and disease.
Among these issues is a dire shortage of healthcare workers, particularly surgeons.

If you live in a large city in the United States, there are likely more surgeons in your city than there are in the entire nation of Ethiopia, which boasts a population of more than 105 million people.
In countries like Ethiopia, 9 out of 10 people can't access basic surgical services (WHO), leaving many people suffering and dying with conditions that could be treated with surgery.
The rich and the poor have a common bond,
the Lord is the maker of them all.
-Proverbs 22:2

Please take time to watch this wonderful video. As portrayed, our vision is to-
work alongside Ethiopian men and women who care for the sick
help train the next generation of Christian surgeons
proclaim the hope of Jesus to the sick and suffering
To do this, we work with the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons at Soddo Christian Hospital, training Ethiopian surgeons while simultaneously discipling them in their faith.
Why did we leave the comforts and familiarity of America to do this work in Ethiopia?
To put it simply, the love of Christ compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).
Jesus left the perfection of heaven, subjected himself to the brokenness of living in a human body in a sinful world, and poured out His life for sinners like us, to the point of death.
We believe that His followers are called to enter into the broken places in our world and pour themselves out in love for others.
Living and serving in Ethiopia is how He is calling us to do that.